What medical conditions could affect my application?

What medical conditions could affect my application?

There are no definitive yes or no’s to what medical conditions could prevent you from passing this examinations but if you have any of the ailments listed below then it’s highly likely that your PCO licence application will be refused.

  • Epilepsy
  • Insulin treated/insulin dependent diabetes
  • Monocular or poor vision
  • A progressive degenerative illness
  • A history of alcohol or drug abuse
  • A history of mental illness or severe mental handicap
  • A physical disability which might impair the ability to discharge the requirements of a vocational driver
  • Heart problems
  • Neurological or neurosurgical disorders (.e.g. strokes, blackouts, head injuries)
  • Certain prescribed medications.

Please be aware that if you have suffered some of the above medical conditions in the past and you don’t suffer from them at present and this over a certain period of time (to be decided by the TfL medical advisors) then you may still pass this examination. For example, if you have had a stroke over a year ago, as long as there are no residual impairments you may be ruled fit but each case is dealt with on an individual basis.